Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Fun Night in December (20th), House Warming

Haha OUCH!

Like a paddle boat

The Smug drawer

silly drawings

Mmm-hum, oh yeah



Laughing Matt

Shifty Eyes

Snow Flake winner

Cracking Up

That darned splinter!

See my Belly



You Got it!

He does it to her a lot. Who could resist that crazy face?

move that chin!

There he goes again, looks at her, and she laughs. Who can resist?  Not Sarah

Yes, they're going to get married.

These Guys

Hand talker, "it bit me right in this finger here" maybe

Back and forth

Smile blink.  I'm the president.


I don't know about you . ..

Take a bite out of crime . . . I mean Dev's arm.

Glasses pusher

Hair movement

The End, Christmas Party 2014 Short Gifs (8)

Group Picture Jiggle

Necklace movement thoughts

I speak you speak

Oh Me Oh My!

"Hahaha, this fake laughing thing isn't really working" John Kennedy


Clap Clap Clap Clap Hahaha

Peace Yo

The Sound, it be good

Laughing Mandy, Dancing Mandy, the two go together well

Close up smile, happy time is at the end I guess


Peace Yo . .  . again

Showin' off that disco

Lead us Mercy

I'm a sweaty Bird!!! 

See this nice story here?  It's really swell.  I'm a teacher.

This guy.

Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest, it's my thing bro!

I would just like to say, I'm a cool guy.

Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest!!!  Where did you go!!

"What's over there?"  "I don't know, this is good soda."