Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Revolution is a TV show that started in 2012.  I just started watching it on Netflix.  By "just" I mean that I finished the third episode, right in a row, and then started this post a few minutes later.  I started watching it, actually just heard about it, because I was looking up blackouts. I take a lot of pictures and like to take them in the dark where I can provide all of the light myself.  Blackouts aren't good in that they shut down water pumps and heat and whatever else runs on electricity, which is basically everything these days.  But who doesn't know that?  What's really interesting about power outages is the way it looks.  I love seeing only a few things glowing amongst giant shadows of buildings.  I not only like how it looks, I like the idea of being able to use my flashlights. 

I have a lot of flashlights which are nearly all LEDs.  I have a really bright one that is a modern lantern.  I have a tough foot long plastic one that is also quite bright.  I have a large and small waterproof flashlight.  I have one of those neck lights that you can bend around.  I have a flashlight that has five green LEDs.  I have a three AAA Maglite that I like because I can take off the reflector and it produces a nice even light.  I have a little yellow one that has four white LEDs, two red LEDs, and two yellow LEDs with four functions.  Those are eight of my flashlights that I probably use the most, but I do have more.  I don't know why, but I just love the way it looks to go around with a small (or large) amount of light in a dark place.  Painting with light is definitely quite interesting.  

Revolution, however, is a very different thing than any normal blackout.  Unlike a normal one, this one affected the whole world and isn't being fixed.  It also somehow makes even small portable electric equipment not work.  When it showed the blackout occurring, it showed a highway of cars that suddenly stopped.  A wave seemed to travel into the distance as headlights and taillights went out a mile away.  The world that is left is full of riots until some guy takes control in a way I haven't yet discovered.  The whole thing is interesting to me not just because of the lack of power (since none of my flashlights would work that part isn't as fun) but because of the end times spoken of in the Bible.

In the show there are still people who are preaching in the streets and stuff but it's nothing like it will be.  I do believe the Bible and try to read it everyday.  I also talk to Jesus everyday.  It's called praying of course, but it's not just asking for things.  There's much more to praying than just asking God for things and then going about the day.  But I might be getting ahead of myself.  In the Bible Jesus himself talks about the end times.  One thing he says in Matthew chapter 24 (24:12) is "And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold." Lawlessness is essentially not being under God's authority.  Jesus is saying that when people follow God's word less the love of many will grow cold.  I am reminded of the Catholic priest in the show who wanted Miles to be punished for starting the militia.  His love had grown cold.  

The end times will be much like this show in some ways but in others it will be vastly different.  The world is going to come under one government.  This will be a government that will seemingly have all the answers but it will not.  Those who are truly following the Lord Jesus Christ will quite possibly find themselves alone against an unruly government who despises them.  Daniel 11:32-35 says "He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant, but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.  And the wise among the people shall make many understand, though for some days they shall stumble by sword and flame, by captivity and plunder.  When they stumble, they shall receive a little help. And many shall join themselves to them with flattery,and some of the wise shall stumble, so that they may be refined, purified, and made white, until the time of the end, for it still awaits the appointed time." They will be purified until the time of the end.  God's people are being purified.  His church is being purified.  

So although Revolution is only a TV show, it brings up much in my mind about the plans of God.

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